Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mexican Bowties for Dinner Last Night

Well, we've been in the new house almost a week so I think it's about time to start cooking again, huh?! Given that we have a totally packed pantry I'm really going to try to make food that uses up the vast stockpiles of food. I'm sure I'll have to pick up the fresh produce and dairy, but I can't imagine that I'll need to buy anything else for WEEKS! :)

This recipe is one that made years and years ago and it's popular with everyone in the house. It's refreshing enough for summer and filling enough for winter, while being super simple to make.

Funny story about this recipe.....about 4 years ago I was making dinner on a very hot and steamy evening in Georgia. Fightpilot (hubby) decided that he was going to spend the evening moving a cable line in the attic. I was on the final step of the meal when I heard a CRASH BANG (insert cussing) overhead and the next thing I know I'm being kicked in the head and ceiling debris is falling into our dinner. His foot had slipped off the rafter and come through the ceiling, thus the foot in my head. Luckily he caught himself and I was saved from having the rest of the 6', 185 lb man hitting my cranium. LOL!

So now everytime we eat this meal I have to chuckle and then Fightpilot glares at me. Heehee!

Mexican-Style Bowties

8 oz bowtie pasta (or whatever pasta you prefer)
8 oz lean ground beef (if vegetarian, you can add another can of pintos)
16 oz can pinto beans, drained
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
15 oz can chopped tomatoes, undrained
8 oz can corn, drained
1 small green pepper, chopped
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 cup sour cream (I use low-fat)
1/2 cup salsa
1/2 cup broken torilla chips

Prepare pasta according to package directions; drain.

In a medium skillet, brown ground beef and drain. Add beans, cumin and chili powder; heat through. In large bowl, combine pasta, meat mixture, tomatoes, corn, green pepper, cheese and onions. In small bowl, combine sour cream and salsa. Add to the salad mixture and toss well. Serve warm (not hot), garnished with tortilla chips and additional salsa.

1 comment:

My Recent Favorite Books said...

Loved your recipe! Thanks for posting it.